Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Decade Begins

  We were both so ready to tackle this. It had gone on long enough. We reflected on the previous 10 years and were grateful for the time we had been given. D was ready to have some resolution to this "dark cloud" that had followed us everywhere. We would no longer consider it dark. He was on a quest for what was just.
  What more could he lose? Nothing! He had lost the most important part of his life...his young children. They were now grown. A large portion of their childhood had been ripped away from them and him. Not much has changed in the broken system that is known as the family court system. In the end it seems to be about who can tell the best story to convince the judge. Justice seems to be seconday. If you pay your court ordered support you are seen as a good parent. It matters not that you don't see your children. As long as you pay you will stay out of the system. Money is the key to so many doors there. We harbor no anger. We are just very aware of what he is up against. D has no money and no attourney. He does however have strength, faith and hope in himself. That cannot be stripped from him.
  There was a time that I had told D that we could just pay a big chunk of it off with some of my retirement money. Let's just throw money at it and it would go away. That would never be an option. It was about principle for him. The spousal support was half of that debt and he stated that that should never have continued to accrue. D was spending most of his time and money in the courts fighting for visitation of his kids that he did not pay much attention to the spousal support. That was simply not his priority.  
  So much needed to be addressed and settled before any money would be paid. D was ready to do whatever was needed to settle this once and for all. D owed and wanted to pay his child support. That had never been in question. He stopped paying it fully as his children were being held and alienated from him so many years ago. He chose to not continue to fund the battle against him.
  Now that A and R were grown, D hoped that they could receive the child support money rather than Sharon. Several requests would be made and he would not settle until the courts paid attention.
PLEASE check out our resource links in the TOP RIGHT hand corner. These resources will include both Parent Alienation/Syndrome information as well as support for divorced families.

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