Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Marital Home

    After a couple of weeks of waiting for the trustee's accounting of the marital home to come in the mail, I again called the trustee's office to find out where the document was. This time I was told it was on the way. 
    Sure enough in about two more weeks it should up. I opened the letter in anxious anticipation as I had hopes that my share of the home would be somewhere around $125,000.00 as houses in the area were selling for $250k to $260k. To my surprise my share of the marital home was only $90k, a far cry from what I was hoping for and thought was fair. 
    To my further surprise the whole $90k was used up! $52,000 went to the Trustee and his lawyer and the other $38,000.00 went to the creditors. The latter I was fine with, the former was a complete shock! $16k went directly to the trustee and the rest some $36k went to his lawyer. Sharon had opposed my bankruptcy even though she would later deny that. The trustee had to retain a lawyer because Sharon would not part with the house. The trustee had to get a court order to force Sharon to account for the house when my Daughter Rochelle turned 18. 
    With this current information I now had no surplus to assist me with paying the child support arrears off , and with no extra funds I would not be able to hire a family lawyer to have the court order changed. This meant the spousal and child support would keep accruing until the end of time. 
   Bea and I had to make some decisions...    

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