I wish to express my gratitude to Brenda (Rob's wife) and Rob, Denis' cousin. Brenda...you are a rock my dear. You just make it happen and I totally appreciate that about you. You take the initiative no matter what is going on. You are a doer! You planned a wonderful going away gathering for Denis and he was very appreciative. It was a great send off despite not knowing what the next day in court would bring. Rob spoke a few heart felt words and Denis said he did a great job. Rob this was impactful.
You guys have been a great support for Denis. He enjoyed the time spent at the lake, at your home with Garrett and the many encounters during the past year.
Your presence and support at some of his court hearings was priceless.
It was great seeing you in June 2012 as well. Brenda I appreciated your calls, your texts and your support through the last 16 mos as well. I also want to acknowledge that you took a big leap through a very uncomfortable zone when you chose to write a letter to Denis' children. I know this was not easy. Thankyou for your courage!
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